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A sensory room as part of your office design plan can have a tremendous impact on the lives of those you are helping. We can provide architects and design pros with the equipment needed to create the perfect waiting room, break room or multi-use room for just about any office environment including corporate, medical, professional, school, or hospital. Our quality bubble tubes, lighting, fiber optics, wall panels, and sensory furniture can significantly impact the lives of your clients for the better. Let their first impression of your office be the most impactful and positive.

Some great tools for your office or facility:

We offer FREE Room DesignService. If you need assistance with designing a sensory space at your office, just reach out to us. With the help from our expert sensory advisors we can help you create the perfect environment for your particular needs.

We are here to assist you!

Call us at 1-800-882-4045 or send an email to [email protected]

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