A multisensory room may be one of the most delightful, engaging and calming environments you can experience. The lights, sounds, and feel can transport even the most withdrawn individual to a place of peace, calm, and interaction. In this blog, we'll look at the history of multisensory rooms, and answer your questions on where to put a multisensory room.
The first multisensory tent was created in the 1970s at an institution for those with intellectual challenges. The idea was to increase sensory pleasure and enjoyment. The tent eventually became a space and then a room. Since then, multisensory rooms have grown in use and popularity to provide sensory experiences and sensory integration therapy to both verbal and nonverbal individuals. We have seen positive effects from individuals with Autism, Asperger’s, ADHD, dementia, Alzheimer’s, behavior disorders, and anxiety. Just about anyone, from birth to senior, benefits from exposure to these rooms. A multisensory room can be set up to meet the needs of not only the individuals who use them, but the aesthetic needs of the institution, facility, or home as well.
We think of a library as a place for books and books alone, but it can be the perfect spot for a sensory equipment. What if those with Alzheimer's or Autism could sit in an accessible space at your library where integrated senses could help to arouse memories, words, and speech? A library is a place where we all come together and it can be soft, warm, and enticing. A multisensory room can be contained in a corner or its very own closed off room at your library, providing a quiet space to read and reflect.
With the rising Autism population as well as those with learning and sensory differences, a multisensory classroom is now as important as your school’s multisensory room, library, gym, art, or music room. Your multisensory classroom can be set up to accommodate the students in need and provide the perfect learning environment much needed to focus, attend, and cooperate.
Alzheimer’s now affects 5.5 million people age 65 and older and approximately 200,000 individuals under age 65 who have younger-onset Alzheimer's. That is an alarming statistic. Though research remains aggressive and ongoing, we must accommodate those with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and memory loss on a daily basis as perhaps how we do so will define our own quality of life. A multisensory environment can provide a safe escape for a confused mind. With sensory interaction encouraged and extraneous sensory information controlled, it is the perfect place to relax, engage and think.
Since many will spend at least one day a week at their religious institution of choice, being able to accommodate those with sensory needs is becoming more apparent. Having a multisensory room in your church, mosque, synagogue, or place of worship can offer those with differing needs a quiet place to reflect, engage, and participate. For those with educational programs, this is as important as building a classroom to accommodate all children in your location. You choose the lighting, sound effects and systems that work for your place of worship.
You can use a bedroom, living room, basement, guest room or even a closet to set up the perfect space to unwind and reactivate the mind. Your home multisensory room can be furnished at your own budget with a soft piece of furniture, lighting, and sound, and honestly, it will likely be the space you find yourself in at the end of each day.
Whether it is a children’s hospital or one that serves the entire population, a hospital can be a place of noise, stress, and worry. Providing a multisensory room can mean quiet, calm, and healing, offering a space not only for those who are being served, but for families as well.
A multisensory room can be set up at your camp, swimming pool, government building, office, assisted living facility, stadium/arena, or museum, in addition to all the places mentioned above! Let us help you design the space that meets the needs of those you serve with the highest quality multisensory space that they deserve. We have experts ready to assist you.