While several types of sensory room exist, each with their own unique uses, the sensory bedroom is certainly one of the most popular, and can be used to aid a range of disorders, from dementia to ADHD.
Sensory bedrooms enable those whose conditions may otherwise prevent them from doing so to relax. These are individuals that may experience heightened emotions or feelings of overwhelm, preventing them from getting a good night’s rest.
At Experia USA, we’re experts in the field of sensory equipment and products. Keep reading for our top tips on setting up the most effective sensory bedroom possible.
One of the greatest features of sensory bedrooms is their ability to be tailored completely to the individual, thanks to the personal nature of the room. As a sensory bedroom will most likely only be used by one person, their needs can therefore be targeted fully.
And while most sensory rooms strive to create a calming sensory environment, little tweaks targeted to your patient’s specific needs really can make a huge difference. Consequently, not taking advantage of your opportunity to personalize your sensory bedroom as completely as possible would be silly! To do so, make sure that you’re investing in the right equipment. For example, an individual with Alzheimer’s will require different support, and therefore a different multisensory room approach, than an individual with Autism, and so on. When setting up your room, keep your patient’s needs at the forefront of each decision you make.
When building a sensory bedroom, light and sound should be the key areas focused upon, as the benefits of doing so are abundant. Controlled lighting and sound can be incredibly calming and ensure individuals do not become overstimulated.
To fully capitalize on the monumental effects light and sound can have, it’s well worth investing in the right equipment. Two of the best pieces of equipment, which also happen to be some of our favorite sensory bedroom ideas, are projectors and bubble tubes.
For projectors, key products include our Calming Waters Projector (pictured above), and Aurora LED Projector and Wheel Rotator designed to calm the nervous system.
As for bubble tubes, their benefits are plentiful, for both the ears and the eyes, with gentle bubbling sounds and lights that slowly change color greatly aiding relaxation. They also come in a range of sizes, to suit all budgets.
For sound, make sure you play the right music; playing soothing music is pivotal to creating a calming sensory bedroom.
While sight and sound are undeniably key, other senses, especially touch, should also be considered when setting up an effective sensory room. For sensory bedrooms specifically, weighted blankets and pillows are ideal, providing individuals with the comforting feeling of being squeezed, without needing another human. Applying gentle pressure can greatly aid relaxation and, in turn, sleep.
Think about feeling on the feet as well, and opt for comfortable, soft flooring, utilizing shaggy rugs where possible.
Movement is also key. As rocking and swinging motions can provide a feeling of calm, adding a hammock or rocking chair to your sensory bedroom can be highly beneficial.
If you’re wanting to set up a sensory bedroom without breaking the bank, several sensory bedroom tools exist which are lower in cost, yet still incredibly useful in creating the desired calming environment. These include the aroma starter kit and Perfect Petzzz®. See our blog for a complete guide to the calming effects of aromatherapy, and which essential oils you should utilize.
Music is another inexpensive sensory bedroom component. As previously mentioned, music is one of the most important sensory tools, yet also happens to be the easiest to acquire. As for lighting, if you can’t afford a projector, fairy lights, glow in the dark shapes, and mirrored disco balls all create similar effects at a fraction of the cost.
Other calming sensory tools and strategies are completely free. For example, simply being as tidy as possibly, and not leaving any toys lying around, can massively decrease agitation, and help create a calming environment.