Great tips to for a sensory savvy Mother's day. It’s a day of gratitude and a mix of emotions. Mother’s Day is filled with gifts, cards and sweet thoughts about Mom. For who else cares and worries about us 24/7 since the day we were born? Mom. Whether your mom is a senior citizen or you are the mom, making mother’s day enjoyable for everyone is the point. Being a mother is a privileged, so instead of expecting the perfect gift, lets take a look at how to enjoy the day with those you love and that includes your sensory needy children. If you’re a dad or a significant other, then you might like these tips for making mother’s day sensory savvy for everyone.
Plan a Meal for Mom: It’s an entire sensory experience and one that will stick in her mind long after the presents are opened. Pick an easy meal to make for mom. It can be easy like pizza on already made dough, a cup of coffee and a bagel or her favorite salad. Either way you will be offering a hands on experience that encourages planning, fine motor work and sensory integration for the chef. Don’t worry about breakfast in bed. You can do lunch, snack or dinner as well. Maybe even a bowl of popcorn!
Make a Craft With Mom: As long as we’re talking about fine motor activities, how about a craft with mom to encourage communication, fine motor skills, and motor planning. Pottery, painting, flower creations, or making jewelry together might be a great time spent together. Or if your mom prefers to be surprised you can make a card before hand. The more texture the better so grab some puff balls, beads, markers, and glue sticks to make mom the best card ever!
Go for a Sensory Outing: Get outside to a park or place to play. If it’s a rainy day, head to an indoor garden or sensory room to just chill and hang out with mom. Maybe you can find a short hike or botanical gardens near your home that everyone will enjoy. Is mom an artist? A pottery date may be great for you and your special mom. Is your mom a biker? Find some green space and go for a ride.
Sing Her A Song: Does mom like to sing? Even better if not, because this can bring some great laughs. Check out some free on line karaoke sites or head to one near your home. Everyone loves microphones and using one encourages voice, communication, breathing, auditory skills as well as pronunciation. Singing is a great sensory filter and can raise endorphin levels too!
Visit Mom: Are there multiple moms, aunts or grandmas in your family. Maybe your mom is far away? A family gathering may be the perfect way to say “I love you” to everyone at once. If you are traveling, though, don’t forget to bring along your favorite sensory tools and toys to make the trip enjoyable for all! Using weight, pressure or some soothing tunes to travel with can keep your loved one in their happy sensory place so Mom does not have to worry. Bringing Mom a hug and a smile may be all she needs on her special day. Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms who work so tirelessly to be their best. May all your days be sensory savvy!